
2 years...


The fast forward works but it goes slowly.
We've past two years now and Smokey still hasn't put down a word on our scrabble game.

Sometimes, I wonder if he's...barmy

Oh wait! He's putting something down!


"Smokey, FGRMF is NOT a word!!!!"


10 years

Okay, so I just found out that, like, ten years pass before anything really happens again. How dull is that? I don't want to wait ten years before I can criticize stupid beings from Middle Earth about their entries in MY journal! What the heck am I gonna do for ten years? It's not worth the wait. I gotta go get my journal to fast forward because I'm not playing scrabble for years on end to fill the time.

14 points for the word Bored. Whoopee.

Smokey, your turn.