
exerpt from the journal of bilbo baggins

-wow, eleventy-one! i do feel a bit old. but in a good way.
i hate to say this about the shire, since i do love it so, but i am weary of it. i long for the open road, the fresh air and the sites that little hobbits have ever seen! the sites that i once saw myself and marveled at. hmm...i'm a little hungry. i think it's about time for second breakfast.
-yes, very delicious! rasberry scones with apple tarts and green leaf tea. quite scrumptious.
now, this food i know i would miss. on the road meals are short and far between to conserve the food that one has packed. but this, i would give up for my dream. my dream to unite this tired old self of mine to the open land of middle earth. how can a hobbit no want to? there are no pressures, no responsibilities, the world; open to you and only you! it's a beauty that one would have to experience to believe. but how can i escape? frodo would never merely let me leave. we are such good friends and i will miss that old boy, but truly, i must get out of here. i feel squeezed in all different directions. i must be too busy. i need to be once again free!
-hmm...i'd just set down my pen when i came up with a thought...
eleventy-one is quite a respectful age to be for a hobbit. why, Old Took himself had only reached age 130! now, every birthday i have had after returning from my exciting journey has been merry yet small...
this year, i should throw myself a big birthday party! with half the town there, no one will notice my silent and quick absent and i'll be too far gone before they realize what's happened! bilbo, you are a genious!
-and the ring...the ring could help us..........my precious....


Blogger Nature's Daughter said...

... and so it begins...

Blogger Polenta said...

lol, yah

Blogger Esperanza Rising said...


omg, just those words 'my precious' enough to give me goose bumps big time....ooohhhh..

chica bonita

Blogger Ruthie said...

hehehe... I know someone that can do a REALLY good impression of Smeagle saying that. Erm... this is to "Sauron's Kid" whoever you are: Are you obesssed with the book series of LOTR or the movies?

Blogger Ruthie said...

Hmmm... I can play "In Dreams" from LOTR movies on the piano, if that has anything to do with what your site's about.

Blogger Polenta said...

oh no, didn't you read about sauron's kid? HE IS SAURON'S KID! seriously!


Blogger Dryad said...


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Blogger Dryad said...

whoa.... all of those comments went away... how'd you do that?

Blogger Ruthie said...



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