
I miss her ever so...

Okay, apparantly some people (*cough* ruthie *cough* kick-butt soccer star) would like me to update.

Where have I been? I'll tell you where I've been. But if I told you, I'd have to kill you. Sad...isn't it.

Herpethia: You don't know how much I miss your posts. Are you ever coming back? I swear never to write another post if you don't come back!!! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEAS!!! Return!!!

Okay, if Herpethia returns, you'll hear from me about the ongoing stupidness that some people say in MY journal. For now, let's just say that Frodo? He's a wimp. How could he be so attached to his uncle? It's like a Hobbit and his home or an elf and looking pretty (guys and girls, I might add).

Lemme tell ya, there is some messed up stuff with Frodo and being weak! DON'T GET ME STARTED ON PAIN, MAN!

And to some strange questions asked by two certain people asked above (or maybe it was just Soccer Star, I don't recall) no, I'm not hot. It's always so cold in this mountain. Though sometimes, if Smokey isn't feeling THAT sick or self-conscience, he'll make us a fire to warm myself up with. Other than that, I'm always cold.

But what kind of a question is that???

You people...I just don't know!


Blogger Ruthie said...

ri-ight....and who might you be? lol. no, sk you being hott is you being...gorgeous? handsome? nuff said. so. tell me where you've been anyways. it doesn't matter if you kill me. I think. oh and by the way thanks for including me in your post *smirks*

Blogger Nature's Daughter said...

lol, you rock my sweater SK!!!

Blogger Kick-butt soccer star said...

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Blogger Ruthie said...

*stares with eyes wide open*

kamala I cannot believe you just said that!
oh and emo is what smokey is: all depressed, hates life, blablabla I am horrible type of bull, etc.

ha uth hfhsdfahtvitndjfshdfkdf atkhtt.

ruthie language for I am bored how are you why are you staring at me like that.


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