
What??? Explain now, you stupid book???

I was going to be nice and easy about the first clone. I was actually begining to enjoy making fun of the numbskull hobbits. But this is beginning to get out of hand. Have you considered the consequences???? Who all, and don't lie to me, did you give clones to??? I better know soon because I am losing my temper. You do remember what happened to my last journal...do you not? I would TRULY hate to see that unfortunate occurance happen to you, journal. Would you not agree?
sauron's kid (i am not at ALL happy with you)


Blogger Sauron's Kid said...

POSITIVE OUTLOOK? who said that i even had access to accept a positive outlook? i don't know what's wrong with you but i do not take my journal's clones very easily. i mean, hello, it's my journal here!

your humble servant of doom

Blogger Ruthie said...

There is nothing wrong with being a pessimist. I am one. It keeps me prepared for the worst.


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