
wait a second....i still have questions?

when did life start exhisting? and why does it suck so much?why do people look like they do? why do i not look like people? why do i look how i do? why did dad turn into a humongous burning eye? why does smokey think that he is fat? why do dragons have scales? why do fish have scales? why can't i breathe fire like smokey? why can't i live outside this mountain? why do monsters scare people? why do i care about that last question? am i considered a monster because i don't look like anything anyone has ever seen? would people think i am ugly if they saw me? would i care? will i ever fall in love? will i ever be able to run alongside a stream? will i ever eat a hobbit? would i get yelled at if i did? when will i die? when will i really live? when will life get more exciting for me? will it ever? why do birds never fly into mountains? why do they never sing near my prison/home/mountain? why should i have to learn about things such as birds and hobbits through books? when will someone read this post? will anyone read this post? does it matter if they do? will the leave a comment? will they not care enough to do so? will they think that this post is too long to read and just move on? is this post too long to read? why do i worry so much about unimportant things? why did my mother die? did my mother die? when will i get to kiss someone? will i get to kiss someone? if i do, will they like it? or like me? will anyone ever like me? more importantly, will anyone love me? do i have a strange urge for a ring i have never seen and only know it to exhist? will i ever see it? will i need to? will anyone ever end up dying because of me? will smokey ever fly out of here and not return? will i ever be all alone again? will i ever see an olephant? do they even exhist? will my journal ever do what it said it will do and reset the time? will people write in the journal for me to read? will they ever be able to read what i write? who will kill me? why will i die? will i ever die, or am i immortal? will i be here FOREVER???????????????????????????



Blogger Nature's Daughter said...

yes, someone read the post! no it was not to long! you will fall in love! you will be loved! what you look like doesn't matter! monsters only scare ppl if they are mean! i think i would yell at you if you ate a hobbit. i think if you happened upon a hobbit it would be better if you made friends with it.

your joyful maiden of horses

Blogger Polenta said...

lol! lmao!!!! rofl!!!!!!!!!!lmfao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Blogger Nature's Daughter said...

GRACE!! watch your language!! geez! lol

you joyful maiden of horses

Blogger Polenta said...

hey, i didn't say it!! i just...implyed it...lol

Blogger Nature's Daughter said...

gray bean!! lol!!

Blogger Ruthie said...

I agree with gray bean.
shut up
stop moaning
do something
get out
cherish what you have

P.S. you can answer your own questions, you know. You just have to dig deep enough.


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