
a so called "controversy"-exerpt from sk's journal

who the hell is this "sauron's other kid"? he is not being excepted very well with me right now. i need to know his real identity and if he has a blog, i'll go and read over his thoughts but it must be shown. cowardice definitely does NOT run in my family and if this so called "other kid" wants to stand up and assume a role in my life as family, he needs to reveal himself. this should be done promptly because my patience is waining on this point. i do not mean to be so harsh but if this truly is my family, i would like to find out what they are like...sniff....my true family!!!


gollums cry

Thief, thief! Baggins! We hates it for ever!


It Begins...

Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky,
Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,
Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die,
One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.

-J.R.R. Tolkien


waw waw waw waw waw wakazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzaaaam!!!!!!!!

^what's going on? why is it all dark???????^

*hello! i'm just finishing the last part of my time craze!*

^journal, when i get my hands on you again, i swear.....^

*i swear! you'll love it!! more updates, constant writing for you to read, tons of new friends!!!! i'm only doing this for your own good!!!*

^what's that terrible taste in my mouth?^

*oh.....that's soap....*

^i'm gonna be sick! why did i need to taste soap for this time craze?^

*oh, you didn't. the soap was complementary*


*no, just really nice...*


*okay, all done! plug your nose real quick, k?*

^what did you say?^


^(cough, cough)^

*okay!!!!!! time craze has been reset!!! begin again!!!*

^ohhhhh! my head!!!!!!^

&&&this blog has been reset to the beggining of this amazing story&&&


yeah, great idea, thanks, wierdo...

yeah, so i did try what that one girl said and i tried to get out of here but i guess that my toothbrush is not a very good digging tool. plus, now what am i gonna brush my teeth with? thanks, whoever you were (i forgot which one) now i have bad breath. and yes, rochwen, i'll be back. my journal is initiating some wierd thingy that will take me back to the beggining of this whole shabanging story. don't worry, i'll post more later.

stupid toothbrush.



hey, kid

hey, kid, congrats on your almost 16ness. right back at ya!