
wait a second....i still have questions?

when did life start exhisting? and why does it suck so much?why do people look like they do? why do i not look like people? why do i look how i do? why did dad turn into a humongous burning eye? why does smokey think that he is fat? why do dragons have scales? why do fish have scales? why can't i breathe fire like smokey? why can't i live outside this mountain? why do monsters scare people? why do i care about that last question? am i considered a monster because i don't look like anything anyone has ever seen? would people think i am ugly if they saw me? would i care? will i ever fall in love? will i ever be able to run alongside a stream? will i ever eat a hobbit? would i get yelled at if i did? when will i die? when will i really live? when will life get more exciting for me? will it ever? why do birds never fly into mountains? why do they never sing near my prison/home/mountain? why should i have to learn about things such as birds and hobbits through books? when will someone read this post? will anyone read this post? does it matter if they do? will the leave a comment? will they not care enough to do so? will they think that this post is too long to read and just move on? is this post too long to read? why do i worry so much about unimportant things? why did my mother die? did my mother die? when will i get to kiss someone? will i get to kiss someone? if i do, will they like it? or like me? will anyone ever like me? more importantly, will anyone love me? do i have a strange urge for a ring i have never seen and only know it to exhist? will i ever see it? will i need to? will anyone ever end up dying because of me? will smokey ever fly out of here and not return? will i ever be all alone again? will i ever see an olephant? do they even exhist? will my journal ever do what it said it will do and reset the time? will people write in the journal for me to read? will they ever be able to read what i write? who will kill me? why will i die? will i ever die, or am i immortal? will i be here FOREVER???????????????????????????




I'm insanely sad today. Would anyone care to guess why? It is because hardly anyone ever comments on my site. Whenever I come to check this blog, it's always the same...*sigh*. Life just is that way. Life just is that sad when you're stuck in some annoying mountain with no friends...
But I did make some friends. I believe that Rochwen and (ahem)grace are my buddies because they do comment and actually have conversations with me on the comment boxes. But why haven't they commented recently? I know the reason...
It is, as usual. They have both forgotten about me. Both of them, that Gray Bean, and that wonderful {-witch-} too. They have all forgotten that I exhist and am here, waiting for comments to liven my day. But I know there are reasons for this. Rochwen is having that terrible, trifiling love life that has been hard to surmount. (ahem)grace is learning to drive and is also too buys listening to cd's, which should not be an actual excuse but what else can we say for her. Gray Bean is having troubles getting her own blog, and {-witch-} is having trouble with a new room-mate that has dropped into her life.
Plus, over all of that, Rochwen, (ahem)grace, and Gray Bean are all dealing with troubles involving their environment blog. I can understand. Still.....
I'd like to feal for once in my life like people actually cared that I exhisted. There are so many reasons for me to think that no one does.
1. I don't even have a name since my dad didn't care and my mom died before she could name me (or so I'm told).
2. No one ever visits me here in the bowels of Mount Doom and I feal alone almost all of the time.
3. The only being who ever does talk to me is Smokey, the cowardly dragon who always complains about how fat he is getting.
4. No one EVER comments on my site.
5. Okay, so some people have, but only about four people all together, including me.
I know this sounds like whining but when I got a blog I thought, "Wow!! Finally!! A link to other worlds and a time for me to get some real friends!!"
Oh....how sadly wrong I was....*whimper*


A note from your journal!!!

Dear sauron's kid,
Oh don't worry, sauron's kid! You'll love all that I do! It's going to be so much fun to read all this stuff that comes from all these different people and beasts and beings!! Oh, plus, I decided to turn time back a little so that the stories would all begin from...well...the beggining!!! I hope you like this!!!
your jolly old origianal journal!


another dark thought, by sauron's kid

How I Was Put into This Stupid Mountain
by sauron's kid
(note: this is not in black speach but a language i myself created. what else am i supposed to do down here?)
piddle troop,
dunpack moop!
loggurn torma,
urga doop!
shengai plenda,
turgatur denda,
beddian morma,
gordme menda!
trictet mool,
sevek smool,
deveti krool,
engadia shmool!
dega trenda
mende dool!
small drop,
abrupt stop!
aching back,
muscles pop!
lots of pain,
for no gain,
rope is slack,
your cries in vain!
you yell and shout,
to be let out,
heart full of doubt,
you start to pout!
with all hopes slain,
you pick a new route.


What??? Explain now, you stupid book???

I was going to be nice and easy about the first clone. I was actually begining to enjoy making fun of the numbskull hobbits. But this is beginning to get out of hand. Have you considered the consequences???? Who all, and don't lie to me, did you give clones to??? I better know soon because I am losing my temper. You do remember what happened to my last journal...do you not? I would TRULY hate to see that unfortunate occurance happen to you, journal. Would you not agree?
sauron's kid (i am not at ALL happy with you)

A little note of clone-ation from your loving journal!

Dear Sauron's Kid!
Hi! It's you cheery Journal!!! I was just writing this little not to let you know that, while I do love your entries (they're so...different! and....creative?) I did clone myself. Please don't freak out! I'm just doing this so that you might meet some more people. You know I worry about you sometimes. All cooped up with no one but Smokey. I'm just trying to help. So now, some hobbits should be finding a clone of me. Also...I was a little hesitant to say this but I did clone again....but don't worry...It's not a problem at all...the beings that will find them (by them, I am not implying that I cloned myself other multiple times.....unless you're not angry that I would...then, that means that I did...um) are great...beings. It should be interesting to see what they write. I'm sure you'll enjoy it...
You're joyful and loving, ever-supportive and always trying to improve the world for you,


A conversation between Merry and Pippin on the way to the Prancing Pony (with slight comments from various other members of the traveling party)

Merry: Pippin?
Pippin: Yes Merry, what is it?
Merry: Oh nothing. I was just trying to decide how far away from me you are. I can't quite make out your form.
Pippin: Yeah, it's dark. How long have we been traveling?
Merry: Oh, I dunno. A while that's for sure. We left Tom Bombadil's house at sunrise.
Pippin: A whole day. My feet are kinda sore.
Samwise: And I forgot my bloody shoes...
Pippin: What's that Sam?
Samwise: Oh nothing.
Merry: I wonder if this rain will ever let up!
Pippin: I would have much rather preferred to stay at Tom's house. Great food, he had. And strong ale as old as time itself! A hobbit's dream, I'd say!
Merry: Pippin, you do know that the ale actually was as old as time...since Tom was too...right?
Pippin: What? Tom looked a bit young....
Merry: You're telling me...What are you telling me?
Pippin: I must have missed the part where he told us that he was as old as time.
Merry: How could you miss that? It was in all his songs and stuff!
Pippin: Hey! That explains how he knew all those old stories! I was wondering about that!!
Frodo: Pippin, how much of the time are you actually listening to what we're saying?
Pippin: What?
Frodo: ...wow...
Pipping: No really, what? What did I miss?
Merry: Let's just walk in silence, okay?
Pippin: Well, okay.
(long pause)
Pippin: That River Daughter was very pretty hot! Tom must have a hard time deciding which men to let court his daughter. She didn't seem very open to flattery. I asked her out but she wasn't very perseptive to the idea.
(another pause, shorter)
Merry (exasperated): Pippin, you can't be serious!
Pippin: What? Do you think that she's too good for me or something?
Merry: No, you Ork! She wasn't Tom's daughter!
Pippin: What? What do you mean?
Samwise: Oh for cryin out loud!
Merry: You dunse! River Daughter was Tom's wife!
Pippin: What??...Well that explains a lot! And it makes me feel better.
Merry: Makes you feel better? What do you mean?
Pippin: Well, that obviously doesn't mean that she wasn't attracted to me. It just means that she was already married.
Frodo: I'll never be able to show myself anywhere near Tom again!
Merry: It makes me feel like an oaf's commpanion is what!
Samwise: Haven't you heard? It's been confermed...he truly is the son of an oaf.
Pippin: Hey! And she wasn't directly connected to my family anyway!
Merry: *sigh* This is going to be a REALLY long trip.
Samwise: And they told me it was a vacation...HA!
Pippin: Well I'm enjoying myself! Maybe you guys could get a little more on the bright side.
Frodo: Pippin...I just don't understand how you could not get that they were married. I mean, are you seriously never listening?
Merry: yes.
Samwise: yes.
Pippin: no!
Pippin: Okay, now I agree with Merry. Let's just walk in silence. I've had enough.
Merry: 'Bout time.
Samwise: What's that up ahead?
Merry: I really can't see anything at this moment.
Frodo: Neither can I. How can you, Sam?
Samwise: Well, It's a big sign with flashing lights that says, "Brandywine Movie Theaters". Come on, don't tell me you guys can't see that.
Merry: Oh, now I see.
Pippin: Ouch! Hey, Merry, watch your step!
Merry: Sorry.
Pippin: Well, should we go see a movie? I mean, what else is there that we have to do? We're on a vacation, right? Right guys?
Pippin: Guys?


My First Dark Thought, The strange urge for the One Ring, set in words by Sauron's Kid

New yet,
Smooth and,
The Ring's not,
At high


Strider...what's wrong with your head?

Ok, you said that she was hot! Why didn't you go for her? I don't get you...she was so clearly interested in you! Why didn't you flirt with her or something? Or at least compliment her some more. When she said that you were complimenting her too much but that she didn't mind, that was CLEARLY a sign for you to continue!

You strange people. You guys are really bad at making decisions!

You're all hopeless!


The Angry Barmaid, by Strider

These hobbits have not been easy to live with, lemme tell ya.

I had just stopped in at the Prancing Pony to have a bit of fine ale and rest myself. There was a new barmaid there that I noticed. She was very pretty and caught my eye as soon as I stepped in the dark room. Hastely, she dealt with another customer and sauntered up to me with a mischievous smile forming on her lips!

I am a very quiet and mysterious person so all I could do was smile to myself as she flirted with my hooded figure. She had a shapely figure shown off by the fitted but plain gown of a barmaiden. Tightly wound around her waist was a dirty apron with stains of previous spills. She smelled of strong ale and hard work.

She smiled and batted her eyelashes at me.

"Please fetch me an ale, lass" I said huskily.
"You needn't call me lass, sir. I am today but twenty and three. I am young no longer" she said, as she threw back her hair and devilishly glared at me.
"Pardon the miss wording, my lady, but one would not guess that you held such an age by your smile. I was mislead" I said, wishing she would just bring me the ale.
"La, sir, but you compliment me too much! Not that I object..." she said, smiling again.
"The ale, madame" I tactfully reminded her.
"Oh...! I never!" she said angrily. She had not, obviously, picked up on my wishes to be left alone. Oh well. All mortal girls are like this. However, Elves are a different matter...

I brought out my pipe and carefully lit it. I relaxed and put my feet up. I was in a dark corner, away from the drunken men and hobbits who most often ocupy this establishment. I liked being in my solitude. Plus, with a wall to my back, I would never have any surprises and could watch the movements of all in the room. I saw three dirty old men laughing over their spirits and talking of younger days. I saw a husband and wife, eating a quiet and peaceful dinner in a corner. I saw a group of travelers, eating, drinking, singing-so merry to be alive...and drunk, for that matter. I saw the barmaid filling a glass with ale. She had a dark look on her face (one I assumed to be my fault. Oh well, I can't help wanting solitude) and was talking rapidly to an older barmaid (again, I assumed to be the object of this disscusion since the older one kept glancing at me and giving me these nasty looks).
Then, these four soaking wet hobbits stepped in. They immidiately caught my attention. These were the hobbits that I was looking for. Gandalf had asked me to keep an eye out for them and to help them when I found them.
One of the hobbits went up to the bar and inquired about something to the barkeeper. He looked dissapointed and a little confused after their disscusion was over and he joined the other three hobbits to tell them the news. Their faces dropped slightly as they recieved it. I guessed that the hobbit had been inquiring about Gandalf. I watched as they removed their sodden cloaks and moved over and sat at a table not far from mine.
The barmaid approached and placed a full tankard of ale in front of me.
"Anything else you'll be wantin?" she asked coldly.
"Just put this on my tab, please" I said, not removing my eyes from the hobbits. This seemed to annoy her as she then went busstling off muttering something about an ungrateful man.
The hobbits started to drink. It's a funny thing, watching a hobbit slowly get drunk. At first, they seem to deny the possibility, saying to themselves, "A little ale does not affect me!" and then they drink more and more, still relying on that thought. Then, they have become fully drunk and are suddenly very merry. They began dancing and singing with the other men happily. I was about to intervene when one of the hobbits did a very risky thing...he dissapeared.
I know hold myself responsible for the hasty and unsafe few days that we had after that.
You see, the hobbit (which had turned out to be Frodo) had slipped on "The Ring" and had, thereby, dissapeared. This had attracted beasts that are commonly known as Ring Wraiths. These are Nazgul Knights and they are very dangerous. Each of the many of them yearn for the ring and would do anything to have it. That is why, when I spoke to the hobbits later that night, I explained the need for us to be packing up and leaving.
We were in some pretty big danger.

Samwise, get over yourself!

Man are you a stuffy hobbit! I mean, where do you get off making fun of all your friends? Excuse me, that's right. YOU DON'T HAVE ANY FRIENDS BECAUSE YOU'RE TOO BUSY CRITISIZING EVERYONE WHO TALKS TO YOU! If you were stuck in a hot and uncomfertable mountain and your only friend was a dragon (which, I'm happy to report, was not killed afterall) then you would not be so picky! Frodo can't be that bad! I mean, he seems to think that you are his loyal friend and obviously treats you such! AND YOU DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE THAT HE HAD BEEN CARRYIED OFF BY SOME ELF DOOD BECAUSE HIS WOUND WAS SO BAD?!!?? Man are you pathetic! I can't believe that someone would be so cruel and unfeeling. Why, just yesterday I had to help Smokey (that's my best friend, the dragon) through another crisis. He's got some self-image problems. He thinks he's fat. But that's not what I'm here to talk about anyway. You should be happy for adventure too! I'm cooped up here and all I can do is read what you stupid idiots write and dream...dream that one day...one day, that will be me!
And so what if the Shire is nice! How do you know it's the best if you've never been anywhere else?! Ever think about that?
Plus, what are you doing writing in my journal? HUH? I mean, you don't just pick up some random book that says, "My Dark Thoughts, by Sauron's Kid" and just start writing in it! It's my journal!!!!!!!! But...I guess you can continue...since the only other thing I do is talk Smokey through crisis's and that's, well, not really fun. But I guess it doesn't matter anyway since I don't think you'll be able to read what I write. I think Journal Clones work only one way and obviously I can read what you guys write. So you won't be able to read this, I think. Plus, I've already written some entries in this journal and I KNOW you wouldn't have written in it if you could read those...he he he. So I have power. HA!


Samwise Gamgee's Bad Mistake

whoa, i guess this book is weird, like Merry told me. Oh no, not again! Frodo's throwing up...i guess that wound was really bad. Wait, maybe I should explain. Merry just found this weird-looking book and there was this message inside. It said, "My Dark Thought's, by Sauron's Kid". I don't know who this kid is, or Sauron for that matter, but he hasn't written anything in it! So Merry says, "'Ae, why don't you write a little bit yourself, matey!" Well, i'm not much of a writer but I'll at least write down what's happening. Okay, so here's how it goes.
I was just minding my own buisness and walking home from a very enjoyable walk in the Shire when my Gaffer comes up to me and says, "Samwise Gamgee! What are you doing walkin' aboot when there's work ta be done? Why look at the state of that lawn! Where've you put your green thumb, my boy?"
Well, i sure could'a told him where I was gonna put my green thumb but just then Frodo comes running up. He's yelling and screaming and making this big deal. You see, he's a rather flighty young Hobbit. Daft, or something i'm sure. Anyway, he's yelling to me, "Sam! Samwise! You'll never guess who's come!"
He doesn't even wait for me to say that I don't really care. He just starts hopping about and says, "It's Gandalf!!! GANDALF!!!! And he's come to the Shire!!" I told you, flighty. Then he says he has to run off and that he'll see me later. I cannot tell you how much of a REJECT he is becoming. Ever since the Sackville-Bagginses pointed out that he looks like a girl, he has been avoided by all. Well, all except me, the Gaffer, and that weirdo who runs the estate i work on, Bilbo Bagginses. I have to stick with him or i won't get paid...or the Gaffer will "show me some of his gardening tools" as I've often heard him threaten.
Whatever. So it turns out that Gandalf came because he was going to help get the party going for Bilbo's 111'th birthday. Yeah, that dood is OLD. Well, not so much...but whatever.
The party was pretty cool. There was this really hot female hobbit there that wanted to dance with me. I think her name was Rosie. But Frodo kept embarassing me. Every time she and i would dance, he'd try to dance next to us...without a partner. That's, of course, because no one actually will dance with him. I really do see that girl peeking out of his face. It's kind of...ugly too. Anyway, so Bilbo gets up to do a speach. Let me just ask one question here. Why were speaches created in the first place? Who wants to hear some guy get up and babble on and on about how he really doesn't mind getting older and that the party is the coolest ever? I certaintly don't. But he goes up there anyway and starts talking. It gets really boring and I was almost nodding off when he suddenly dissapears!!!
Not kidding. All those hobbits saw it too so it isn't like I was dreaming because I was so bored. The guy actually dissapeared. My curiousity is sparked (obviously) so I sneak up to the Bilbo's house and crouch underneath a window. That right there was one of my biggest ever mistake. That's the reason i'm standing here now, trying to get vomit off of the edge of my cloak. Anyway, Bilbo is in the house and he's fighting with this shadow. No, that's not a shadow, that's Gandalf. I'm still getting used to how tall he is.
They fight for a long time and finally resolve their problems. I can't imagine what a wizard and a hobbit could be fighting about! Okay, I'm not the most imaginative hobbit but it's the guy's 111'th birthday, for crying out loud! Give the dood a break! Anyway, then they say goodbye (I had come a little closer so that i could hear them) and Bilbo actually leaves! Yep, headed out on the open road again. Stupid hobbit. It's nicer in the Shire than anywhere else! Why would he want to leave? He's just wierd.
So then Frodo comes in and Gandalf is all like, "I've got a job for you" or something like that. He sets him all about the house packing and everything and I'm wondering, "What the heck is going on?"
I must have been thinking too loud because from out of nowhere, I'm lifted into the room. Gandalf's face was stern and his stare was peircing. "What have you heard?" he asks me. "Oh nothing, I was just, you know, hanging out. Dood, have you tried that grass? It's strong, man" i say, but he doesn't fall for it cause i'm obviously not stoned or anything. So then he does this really mean thing. He's like, "Ok then, Frodo. Looks like you are going to have a friend join you on your little trip!"
One: I am not his friend, even though i'm forced to hang out whith him.
Two: Does this Gandalf dood think i have no life? I can't take a vacation!
Three: Who says "little" anymore when referring to a trip. I tell ya, these wizards may be really smart, but they fall behind the times so much from being cramped up in little libraries, studying scrolls all day.
Next thing i know, i'm packing a few extra clothing, my pots, my pans, a little bit of rope, some other cooking supplies, some good food, some plant packets, my lucky dice, my fortune teller eight ball, my snorkel, my spa oils, my robe, my tanning lotion, my toothbrush, and my toothpaste. And wouldn't you know it, I forgot to bring my shoes. How stupid can I get? I have these humongous feet and i forget shoes. Oh well.
Okay, i've been writing in this book a long time and i just realized that Frodo's gone. I asked Pippin and he said that this elf guy came and took him away after he'd barfed all over me. Good riddance! But as i'm writing this, I wonder if it's a bad idea. I mean, Sauron isn't exactly a really friendly name and this guy's kid must be pretty nasty. Plus, it's tittled, "My Dark Thoughts" which, now that i think about it, really creeps me out! REALLY! So i'm thinking i'll let Merry have the book back. He's the one who found it in the first place. Plus, he's always been a better writer than i have.
Aaragorn says we have to leave.
"Hey Merry! Come here!"